January, 2024


7h 30m


Revisiting this game after...12 years I think? Never got around to replaying the original prior to the release of 'Remake', but now with 'Rebirth' on the horizon (and covering more material to actually compare with), I figured now was the perfect time to do so.

Made a pretty bad first impression on Aerith (Yes, I went with that spelling). That minigame involving the barrels is unfair since you taking shots in the dark as where the barrels go, doesn't help the first camera focus tricks me into using the wrong barrel. Thankfully, early encounters are pathetic so no harm done (She hates me).

Speaking of which, I find the entire midgar section way to easy. I know it's the tutorial, but could these enemies at least try to put up a fight?

Spruced up Cloud real good, and managed to get picked by Don Conero, which I don't recall doing on my first playthrough. Took advantage of my knowledge to snag a few good items early, like the 'Striking Staff', and a 'Carbon Bangle'. Tried going for a 'Hardedge', but the steal rates are atrocious and I'm not that committed to early game boost.
